Blog posts


Memory intro for devs. What you need to know

9 minute read


As a software engineer, you want to build fast and efficient programs. But on the fact, when you develop the program, you can influence mostly only memory access. That is why O() notation computes the memory access and usage. And O() is widely used estimation for program complexity. In this article I want to cover basics about the memory, every developer should know.


Yocto project: Create your own Linux with black jack and systemd

7 minute read


You must known that there are a lot of different Linux distributions. They all are linux but they all are different. You can check the most popular distributives on But what is the difference between all these distributives? The main difference between 2 distributions are kernel version and packages that installed. Here is the example of all packages from Debian 10. The list has 59013 packages. In the article we will go quickly how you can add/modify packages and create own distributives.

SOME/IP: protocol that should enable autonomous driving

10 minute read


Autonomous driving puts a lot of challanges in front of developers. One of the challanges is an effective communication mechanism between different components of the car. Let’s take a look on the protocol that designed to enable autonomous driving.

Short story long: Hello world, C++

8 minute read


Every person who writes code some day wrote a hello world programm. Usually it is copying the text in any editor, save, compile and run. In this post we will have a deeper look in compilation stages and undertsnd what heppens, once you press enter button.